Garnet Hill Lodge, NY: 11/29/14

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Garnet Hill Lodge, NY: 11/29/14

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Ski Day 5: Yesterday we made some late day turns at Garnet Hill Lodge.  I poached liftline, dropping down about half way down and climbing back up.

Today we did the GHL kids nordic gear exchange ($20 a year).  Afterward the girls wanted to head home for some sledding, so I went solo out on the Lodge's trail system.

My intention was to check out the view at the upper tailings then head down 4H to Old Faithful, and then walk down the road to HQ.  But again, as I skied past sucked me in.

Yesterday I dropped down more than halfway and pulled up, to climb back up.  

This time I plummeted all the way to the bottom of liftline. And when I got to the bottom Trapper Trail was newly rolled cord.

The thing about Garnet Hill's trails... if you let them suck you in you lose a lot of vert that you have to climb up, or alteratively, you can also take a bus back up the hill.

They had at least 20k open, most of Trapper, much of Cougar Run, 4H, Old Faithful and I'm not sure what else.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp