Gear up two girls

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Gear up two girls

Well they are hooked for sure so I am gonna gear em up need you guys help.

I have an 8 year old snowboarder 75 pounds and a 12 year old 5 feet 110 pound skier.

I am looking for used equipment they will out grow it fast.

Board  for the young one I am looking at Burton chicklet 120cm or Flow Micro Mini 120cm and flow Micro Bindings

The Ski I have no Idea K2 Rossingal I don't know. She is a type 2 skier and looks like she will be a glader.

Options for good new packages are welcome as well I would think this is the best time of the year to buy.

Thanks everyone.
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Re: Gear up two girls

Where are you based out of? Where do you ski? The Sports Page in Queensbury does a great kids least program for $99 per season. That way you don't get caught in the constant cycle of your kids outgrowing their equipment and having to buy more.
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Re: Gear up two girls

Adk Keith
Another option is the seasonal rental. Beaver Brook offers those.