Goin’ Solo....Whiteface, Platty, Wherever!

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Goin’ Solo....Whiteface, Platty, Wherever!

I’m not sure if I/we have done this thread before.  Well, here one is.  Pin it Harvey!

Now, maybe it’s just me and Harvey getting old, but skiing solo just....isn’t as much fun as it used to be?  Harvey noted that last weekend, and I’ve found the same on my solo weekends out West.  This year I’ve always hooked up with a local on my trips and the company has been appreciated.

So, in NY....or wherever....if you are going it solo give a shout here, maybe we can’t get a few NYSkiBloggers together when circumstances permit!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Goin’ Solo....Whiteface, Platty, Wherever!

Hey, guess what......I’m goin’ solo!

At WF this weekend.  Pulling a Harvey and hitting the road before 5am.

If anyone is up for a run or two or more let me know.  Heck, if anyone has a bogo they need to fill, a voucher they need to sell, whatever on Sat....let me know.  I’ve got my bag of pet food/goodies for the discount Sunday!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Goin’ Solo....Whiteface, Platty, Wherever!

Unless it's a full on pow day I'm not really into skiing solo much either any longer. It's just more fun to share the experiences with someone else imho. I'm stoked to have my mini me loving skiing so much these days. I think I might take her up to Telluride this week. I'll take some pics and do a TR if we do go.
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Re: Goin’ Solo....Whiteface, Platty, Wherever!

I’ll be at WF
Happy for nyskiblogger to ski with and show around
No vouchers though
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time