Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

Adk Jeff
K man wrote
I wondered why they'd given me 50 of them.   They didn't do a whole lot for the pain, but at least I was happy.
Dude!  Got any extras!?...

Seriously, good luck with the recovery.  Prognosis sounds encouraging.  Hope to see you in the bar at West on Weds.
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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

K man
I have a prescription for IPA.
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

K man
Just had my post op follow up.  So it turns out they removed a torn Plica.  Its a piece of usless tissue that runs from your knee cap to the lower part of your femur.  It typically presents with similar symptoms as a torn meniscus, but doesn't show on an MRI and can be painful.  This is better than a meniscus tear.  He saw no evidence of meniscus damage (I'll get to see photos next time).  I'll still have a complete meniscus and all the cushioning that goes along with it.  So I'm feeling much better about the whole thing now.  
It's pretty stiff and doesn't work well yet, but starting PT tomorrow.  
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

In reply to this post by K man
If nothing else, you picked the right Winter to get it done. Good luck with a quick recovery!
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by K man
Good news!  Speedy recovery to you.
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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

In reply to this post by K man
good news kman get well
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Going Under the Knife, Feb 3, 2012 The trip no one wants to go on.

K man
3 + weeks out of surgery and I think I'm ready to give it a shot.  I won't be makin any tele turns, or dropin into any big mogul runs, but I'm feel pretty comfy that my knee can parallel the groomers.  Might give West a shot Wed. evening.  gotta try the new K2 hardsides that I have been fondling since fall.
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis