Gore - 4/15/2011 ~Last Weekend Open~

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Gore - 4/15/2011 ~Last Weekend Open~

Last weekend open and everyone wants to know if it’s still good skiing.  It is still good skiing!  Some areas on the lower mountain have been hit hard by the r**n and warm temps but all things considered, it was still a great spring skiing day.

The summit was a little slow to open but well worth the wait.  Rumor and Lies were bumped and great for those that enjoy that sort of challenge. Twister, Open Pit, Uncas, Top Ridge, Chatiemac, and Hawkeye  were groomed and really wonderful.  I don’t know about the glades.  Things got sloppy on the lower mountain after lunch but it was still good fun.

Not going to lie, there were some bare spots that made me glad I used my rock skis.