Gore Mountain, NY: 11/23/14

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Gore Mountain, NY: 11/23/14

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Ski Day 3: Decided on a late start to let temps warm up and maybe get some sun to soften surfaces.

Friday night I noticed that a huge widowmaker that had finally fallen near the cabin right onto the green trail. I filled the saw with my last few ounces of mix and noticed a leak... it was dripping out, so I had to make it happen quick. Got this dream about nordic xcd out the back door, and that tree was in my way.

Got er done in the nick. A quick wax for a warm, wetsnow day... using some leftover nordic wax...

...and off to Gore. It started gray at the base and nil-vis pea soup at the top of Bear.

Eventually the sun came out and temps moved into the 40s. Snow was getting very soft.


We spent a few hours lapping Trail 51 and Ruby-Showcase-Sleighride.


Was really great to see everyone. Freeheeln, Shaman, Chuck, Eddy et al.

Great end to an epic weekend.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: 11/23/14

The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: 11/23/14

Nicky Z

Nice seein ya out there Harv. One of those kinda days.
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: 11/23/14

nothing says happy ski season like a crotch grab spread eagle
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: 11/23/14

weather looks good for this weekend.....
The family that skis together, stays together.
