Gore Mountain, NY: 12/22/12

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Gore Mountain, NY: 12/22/12

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Ski Day 4: Shout out to FRK who introduced himself and skied with me all morning...


I was the first customer on the Topridge side this year. Not for long. As soon as I stopped to take a picture, MC2 blew by.  I wasn't really expecting much out of Pine Knot after a snow, rain, freeze, but it felt like a milestone so we went...


Adk Keith was in the house at the opening bell

Getting his legs back...


Powder Run Doug

On one Gondi ride it really started to snow...


Dos Amigos

Finally ran into Powderqueen at the end of the day and convinced her to do one more run with me. Twice

I care that you tele.

This shot was taken at the end of the day right after the guns went on Wild Air. So this trail has had no snowmaking yet. Yeah that snow was valuable all right.

Wild Air

Just had the seals done on our VT Castings and it's rockin like new. Man I love it when I get home and start crankin the heat and downloadin my pics.

Forum members in the house... frk, Adk Keith, Powderqueen, Powder Run Doug, Jackalope, Chuck, Shaman, Chuck, MC2, Ace... who else was the there?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp