Gore Mountain, NY: 2/8/13

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Gore Mountain, NY: 2/8/13

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Ski Day 19: Friday was a really good day. It snowed before dawn and most of the day.  The cord was in great shape from several days with prime snowmaking temps, and the new snow on top was deluxe gravy.

First tracks on Sunway in the Snow

After my first run solo, I ran into EDeO, Chuck, Bobbie, and Dean. For some reason all of my pics were of Eddie.


EDeO on Uncas



EDeO on Hawkeye's Pow Bumps

EDeO takes a break

Patrol coming off Rumor

Bobbie on Lower Steilhang

We heard a rumor that Rumor was opening soon.  We got some scoop from Number 1:

I was the first one out onto the trail, but stood down to take a few pics...

..then I ripped rumor T-2-B without stopping.

In the afternoon I connected with X and his bro and nephew. We accepted the fact that the onpiste (lower mountain) had the softest snow and we skied it upside down and back and forth.

Who else skied Friday? Not many.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp