Gore Mountain, NY: 3/24/13

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Gore Mountain, NY: 3/24/13

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It's Ski Day 30 and I want a record of it.

I met freeheeln at the yurt at 8.  We were ready to go.  

It's cool that the Ski Bowl is given the same early start time as the gondola at the main lodge.  And as with the Gondi, if they can get it going early, they do it.

The grooming was prime first thing, just perfect.  We skied virgin cord on Oak Ridge and Sagamore.

On Sagamore, freeheeln was absolutely FLYING. I stayed with him pretty good.  

You could easily angulate and carve great turns.

Echo was in great shape...

...and then we went back into Barkeater...

...for two.

Short day for me. On the road by 11 and home at 3:30.

Freeheeln and I split at the bridge on Pipeline. He towards more fresh tracks at the top, and me, back to the flatlands.

Thanks for skiing and thanks for the Bonus Barkeater.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: 3/24/13

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it was good to get some turns in with you harv, love the woods but couldn't pass up that cord just perfect for rippin'.

harv rippin' sagamore cord

bark eater
after worked my way up started farming

met up with Kman and others til it was time to slide on down to the bowl
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.