Gore Mountain, NY: April 10-12 2014

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Gore Mountain, NY: April 10-12 2014

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Ski Days 25, 26 and 27. I think.

What a sweet trip. Any and all predicted precip fell at night and each day was 100% sunny.  

Day 1: On the way over to the mountain I could see that the river was up, but not that much.  We really hadn't had any blowtorch weather and the corn was on a slow simmer on the grill.

I realize the pic below from Uncas has been taken a zillion times. But the cover is remarkable for the date. FKNA

Gore Mountain April 10, 2014

Rumor and Lies were open when I got on the Straightbrook Chair.  I tweeted my excitement, while I pondered my options...

I had only skied one day in the last 4 weeks and was thinking the Dark Side might be prudent vs going right for the steep stuff.  As if reading my mind? ML responds...

LOL: I learned later that he was actually calling BS on me being at Gore at all, not recommending trail choice.  

But... I took his "advice" anyway and headed for Lies...

If anybody knows Mike say hi to him for me. He was everywhere and as soon as I'd see him I'd go for my camera. The guy rips...

Mike M goes deep

Rumor and Lies were awesome. BIG soft bumps that you could totally ski but it was work.

Like Shaman says "everyone has to ski Rumor in their own way."

I was solo and somehow... about to quit or take a bread? around 1:30. WTF.  It was getting a little hazy. I didn't want to head in, but I hadn't eaten yet that day and was really thirsty too.

I was riding the Top Ridge chair planning to Scareview out.

Then Duck skis below me, calls out... and we ended up skiing 'til close.

Sun got bright again and we cruised the afternoon away. FTW.

Day 2 started soft as temps never went below freezing overnight.  While that has some disadvantages, the big pro is when you are ripping the fresh cord you are laying down serious TRENCHES. Lovin that chit.



OMG Coverage

Trails with less traffic like Twister were sweet. It was all sweet really.


Chez Shaman

Super Mario aka Tony Joe

Day 3 was a little warmer and slushier.  But it may have been the most fun of all.

The group was big and because I knew I had some decent pics in the can for my blog post, I kept the camera mostly in my pocket and just skied.

So. Much. Fun.



Noted Local: The Pied Piper

Duck duckin'

This was one of the best times I've ever had at Gore.  Still pumped about it.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: April 10-12 2014

Wow.. It looks really well covered too!

The family that skis together, stays together.

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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: April 10-12 2014

Duck T. R.
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What a great weekend. You covered it great,Harv. I didn't think the stars were going to line up for us to ski together this year but it finally happened. Spring skiing doesn't get any better, the Darkside was awesome.

(That's why we spent all day there on Sat.) This place keeps on getting better year after year.
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: April 10-12 2014

Super shots. Good to see all that snow being used.