Gore Mountain "Woods"

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Gore Mountain "Woods"

This video was shot on 3/1/13.... Hope you enjoy!

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Re: Gore Mountain "Woods"

Darkside Shaman
Nice video Mike! I was on chair 6 when you were shooting your first run and you went right under me, conditions were great all week and you topped with your first ascent on Thursday Did you shoot any video that day, or just the still shots that you sent me?
Gotta go to know
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Re: Gore Mountain "Woods"

No video on Thursday Shaman, just a couple of stills.
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Re: Gore Mountain "Woods"

Hey, I can now say that I can recognize a few of those places. Great vid!
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Re: Gore Mountain "Woods"

nice looked like a good day
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Gore Mountain "Woods"

Great video, starting off with upper newtons was nice.