Gore Mtn, NY: 1/15/12

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Gore Mtn, NY: 1/15/12

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Ski Day 13: Woke up to temps around 5 below zero at 6am, but it seemed that winds had died down.  When Neve and I arrived at the mountain the wind was kicking and it looked like we were in for a very cold day.  I dropped Neve at her lesson, and I rode the Gondi solo.

I expected the groomers to be very firm and was surprised that every inch of the lower mountain was very carvable.  My first run down Sunway, I was giddy as the turning was fantastic.

Today's Picture.

One odd, and very cool thing, about Gore - you go to the summit to avoid the wind. My idea was that if I could get Neve down Pine Knot we could spend our morning on headwaters in the "warm" sun. While I was dying to grab Uncas, I took one for the team, and went down Pine Knot.  It was in great shape, with lots of loose soft snow.

After Neve's lesson, I asked her if she wanted to ski the top or the front.  She wanted the top, primarily I think because she likes the idea of the top, and she's also not a fan of the Gondola line. The line was actually minimal as it seemed like people chose to sleep in.

Up we went, and down Pine Knot without a problem.  When we arrived at the summit, I got some looks from people who apparently thought that it was no environment for a five year old.  A comment from Zach got me to thinking I was probably pushing my luck and I decided to keep it short.

Special thanks to 4EWD for logistics and transport services across the summit flat to the top of Cloud.  Seriously - awesome stuff!

We spent our time on the blues and everything skied really well. Pine Knot, Cloud, Headwaters, Tannery, Sunway, Otter Slide. The overnight wind filled in snow in various places and the bumps on Lower Chatiemac looked fantastic.  Done by noon as I had to be home early tonight. Really great day.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 1/15/12

All groomers? Any glades open yet?

They opened the glades at Greek Peak on Saturday, with 8" of snow and now base. They were skied down to dirt and leaves today and they were rightly closed.

They were nice enough to leave half of Iliad and half of Fields ungroomed, natural snow, with small moguls forming.

The Ithaca peeps are coming up next weekend. We are hoping there will be more snow and some glades or bumps.
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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 1/15/12

Powderqueen wrote
All groomers? Any glades open yet?

They opened the glades at Greek Peak on Saturday, with 8" of snow and now base. They were skied down to dirt and leaves today and they were rightly closed.

They were nice enough to leave half of Iliad and half of Fields ungroomed, natural snow, with small moguls forming.

The Ithaca peeps are coming up next weekend. We are hoping there will be more snow and some glades or bumps.
Log the extra miles and go on the other side of 87. Much better conditions.

From the weekend

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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 1/15/12

Skimore  were were those pic taken?
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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 1/15/12

Raymo40 wrote
Skimore  were were those pic taken?
 Stowe area