Gore Mtn, NY: 11/30/13

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Gore Mtn, NY: 11/30/13

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Ski Day 3: We arrived late, for us, 9:30.  Even at this hour, we found no competition for anything.


Slow Zone

Neve and I skied across the mountain, but had the most fun on Sunway.  She could basically let them run, I'm turning, and we we're really skiing together. It was cool.

Upper Sunway

Lower Sunway.

If ever there was a piece of equipment made for a spot.

Here's a shot of the new fixed fan gun in the Saddle:

I wish we could revegetate some of the bigger expanses.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 11/30/13

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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 11/30/13

We were there too. We skied from about 9:30-2 and had a great time.  Harvey - I think we saw you and Neve on Sunway on one or our runs - you were filming her as we went by.  It was a really fun weekend. We are looking forward to a great season to come.

We capped off the day by having a few drinks down at the Black Mountain Inn.  It was their grand re-opening under new ownership. Mark O'Connell, who heads up the Mountain Adventure program at Gore, recently purchased it.  We are looking forward to a lot of fun nights down there as well.