Gore instructor makes PSIA National Demo Team

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Gore instructor makes PSIA National Demo Team

Brian Smith long time Gore instructor and PSIA E examiner was named to the elite National Demo Team yesterday after a competitive 4 day try out at Breckenridge.  The demo team are the bit of the best instructors in the world.


Brian and his wife Aleks (former WF snow sports school director and also an examiner) have taught in Aspen the last few years to prep for this tryout.

I'm sure many of the Gore peeps know the Smiths.

NYSkiblog's own MC also tried out.  I hope he shares his experience with us at some point.
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Re: Gore instructor makes PSIA National Demo Team

Coach Z wrote
Brian Smith long time Gore instructor and PSIA E examiner was named to the elite National Demo Team yesterday after a competitive 4 day try out at Breckenridge.  The demo team are the bit of the best instructors in the world.


Brian and his wife Aleks (former WF snow sports school director and also an examiner) have taught in Aspen the last few years to prep for this tryout.

I'm sure many of the Gore peeps know the Smiths.

NYSkiblog's own MC also tried out.  I hope he shares his experience with us at some point.
That's good news for him. I got to ski with the demo team almost 20 years ago at Snow bird in April the week before the PSIA conference. I am not nor was an instructor but I was out there working with some folks in the equipment business. It was a fun couple of days, got to see places at the Bird I had never been. Was a lot younger  then but they still waited on me - hehe.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Gore instructor makes PSIA National Demo Team

Congrats to that guy, it sounds like a hell of an accomplishment.
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Re: Gore instructor makes PSIA National Demo Team

This is one hell of an accomplishment.    CONGRATS.    

I got to ski with both him and his wife (pregnant at the time I believe) during a steeps and trees 2 day clinic at Gore.    

I have skied one week each season with now 6 members of the team.   To watch them (not showing off, just skiing) is amazing.   I have also been around a few of them when they all get together to free ski...and a bit of showman/womanship is present.    wow.     Jumping 3 bumps on the steeper part of Superstar, when it is rock hard, not caring where they land, top, middle, trough...like a cat and either continuing without missing a beat or stopping on a dime.  Crazy.    Skiing sweetly on boiler plate.     Mad skills each of them.     Then there is the teaching part, awesome eyes and methods to boil chapters down to a sentence or two.    

Can't wait to ski a week with him.....     Love it.