Gore instructor trying out for PSIA demo team

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Gore instructor trying out for PSIA demo team

Brian Smith is trying out next month at Snowbird for the PSIA National Demo Team.  Brian is a Gore area native works at Gore and Whiteface.  He is a PSIA eastern examiner.  He will be trying out for a spot for that exclusive demo team that are America's best instructors.  I skied a bump run on skyward with Brian last weekend as he was getting fully dialed into try out mode and all I can say is WOW.  He is skiing smoking hot right now.  I've skied with many demo team members and that is how they look.

If you see Brian before the try outs be sure to wish him good luck.  It would be a huge thing to have an Orda instructor be on the Demo Team.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Gore instructor trying out for PSIA demo team

Good luck to him, sounds like sweet work if you can get it !
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Re: Gore instructor trying out for PSIA demo team

Thanks.    I will follow his progress.