Gore's Snowmaking Upgrades

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Gore's Snowmaking Upgrades

I was thinking this week about the lack of natural snow and wondering where Gore would be without all of the new guns.  I assume they have made a big difference this year but I really have no idea.  Mother Nature has not been much help so far, but the Gore Snowmakers have allowed me to have some great days on the mountain.  So...many of you seem to have way more knowledge about this stuff than me.  Please weigh in.  Would Gore be even further behind without the upgrades  or not?  
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Re: Gore's Snowmaking Upgrades

Goreskimom wrote
I was thinking this week about the lack of natural snow and wondering where Gore would be without all of the new guns.  I assume they have made a big difference this year but I really have no idea.  Mother Nature has not been much help so far, but the Gore Snowmakers have allowed me to have some great days on the mountain.  So...many of you seem to have way more knowledge about this stuff than me.  Please weigh in.  Would Gore be even further behind without the upgrades  or not?
A situation like the one Gore is in right now, is EXACTLY why the HKDs were bought.  Just had rain, and it's getting colder.  Mike is treating this moment just like the beginning of the season. Look at what they are blowing on tonight:

"Sunway, 3B, Jamboree, and Quicksilver."

(You can almost guess where they will go next. Ruby Run, Topridge etc.)

All of those trails are key to Gore, and they all have high efficiency guns. Those guns were purchased to make low elevation blowing in marginal temps cheaper and more effective.  If we had this years guns and last years temps - Gore would be fully open.

No question in my mind, the money was well spent whether you are a skier, environmentalist or an accountant.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore's Snowmaking Upgrades

They're super quiet too! I enjoy that.