Greek Peak - Sat. & Sun. 3/9 & 3/10

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Greek Peak - Sat. & Sun. 3/9 & 3/10

Big D
Skied Greek on Sat. 9:00 til 5:00 and Sun. in the afternoon 2:30 - 7:00. Skiing was totally awesome on Sat. with every trail open. Got up Sun. morning and legs were tired and sore, so decided to go up in the afternoon instead. At 2:30 Sunday, the snow was warm, sticky and grippy on the skis. By 4:15 or so the snow firmed up a little and was fast with little drag on the skis. (Cornhead was at Plattekill all weekend and he says they got over a foot of snow on Friday).

Have a few pics:


Mars Hill
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Re: Greek Peak - Sat. & Sun. 3/9 & 3/10

Big D
A few more pics:
G14 race on Sat:


Tailgaters over on lift 5 side, Sun. afternoon

Kids with table jump at bottom edge of mars Hill
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Re: Greek Peak - Sat. & Sun. 3/9 & 3/10

looks like it was great! nice weekend for tailgating!