Greek Peak Tues. 3/5/13

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Greek Peak Tues. 3/5/13

Big D
Wow!!! Made it up to Greek, Tues. afternoon from 1 to 9pm and the skiing was totally awesome! Did 4 runs down Olympian which was finally open and in great condition - some baby moguls and a few medium bumps - a little grippy here and there - but great coverage and no rocks or anything. Then at 3 pm headed to chair 4 and they were just closing it and the ski patrol guy said, chair 3 was opening, then he said well all you guys can go down to 4 and do one last run - so I rode up 4 and got in only 1 run down Zeus and it was fantastic!! So headed back to Olympian and did 7 more runs there. So - a total of 11 runs down Olympian and 1 down Zeus. Also skied Odyssey, Illiad, Alchemene, Fields, and Katiritus. Camo John showed up for the night session.

A couple of pics:
lower Olympian

2 pics of Zeus

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Re: Greek Peak Tues. 3/5/13

Yo Big D, we must have just missed you---we skied from first light until 1ish---we left just as the sun came out

maybe if your around sunday we can make some turns w/ you and corn