Greek Peak opening day: 12/1/12

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Greek Peak opening day: 12/1/12

This year they decided to blow snow on Iliad first Great choice. Nice even fall line (unlike Eleysian Fields that is steeper with a double fall line). Iliad is a better trail to start the season with. I thought I would only ski a few run and would be bored, but the soft snow, good coverage, and good company kept me out there for 4 hours!!

I didn't take any pix because it was kinda gray and flat. Pix would not have done it justice. I was hoping the sun would come out but it never did.

Even Greek Peak didn't have any good pix. But they did shoot this one just before the lift loaded.

Nice start!
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Re: Greek Peak opening day: 12/1/12

Here's a picture from this morning (Sunday morning). My friend Peter is out there now getting in some turns before the rain. Not really a photogenic day, but you can see from this pic it is soft.