Greek Peak to Open Friday 12/16?

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Greek Peak to Open Friday 12/16?

They are tentative for Friday. Supposed to be warmer and rainy before then. We shall see, I may try to go Friday, if they do indeed open. I think it might be a little less zooy than the weekend, maybe. I'll be surprised if they open. I've been to two WRODs so far. It would be nice if the next one is closer to home, and already payed for.
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Re: Greek Peak to Open Friday 12/16?

i was wondering the same so i fb'ed 'em about snowmaking and opening. the response was "Snowmaking will continue as temperatures permit. Our goal would be to open on Friday, December 16th with limited terrain. Chairs 1A, 3 and the Magic Carpet will be running from 9:30am - 5:00pm. Trails will include: Elysian Fields, Stoic and Lower Pollux. We're looking forward to seeing everyone soon!"

gonna stay home and hit blue

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Re: Greek Peak to Open Friday 12/16?

That's a good idea^^^^^

We've gotten hit pretty hard with that R stuff here today.....I think the hill will be full of dumdum.
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Re: Greek Peak to Open Friday 12/16?

Temps supposed to drop like a rock, should be excellent tomorrow! If you like teeth chattering runs.