Hearings begin on Adirondack Club Resort

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Hearings begin on Adirondack Club Resort

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Jessica Collier, staff writer for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, is  covering the APA's public and adjudicatory hearings to examine the impact ACR will have on the environment and the town.

She's "blogging" from the hearing, but it's hard to follow as she is doing a separate blog entry for every person who speaks.

This is the link to the blog. It's named "Big Deal @ Big Tupper:"


Here is an excerpt from Jessica's summary from the first session and a link to the full entry:

"Probably about 55 people or so spoke this afternoon. Many were prominent figures from Tupper Lake — ARISE heads and volunteers, municipal leaders, business owners — but there were definitely a few regular Tupper Lakers who spoke as well — seasonal and permanent residents. There were people from out of town — Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and Black Brook, to name a few, including Saranac Lake village Mayor Clyde Rabideau and Trustee Allie Pelletieri. There were even ski industry people from out of the area.  The vast majority of the people who spoke this afternoon were in favor of the project."


EDIT: to make endoftheline's correction.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Adjudicatory Hearing on Adirondack Club Resort

Last night was a public hearing where unsworn testimony is accepted from the public. The actual Adjudicatory hearing starts next Tuesday where only "parties" to the hearing will be allowed to participate. The real details of the project should come out during the hearings allowing the public to get a better understanding of all the complex issues, especially the financial ones, the proposed PILOT being the biggest. Lets hope it makes it through the process intact enough to get Big Tupper reopened on a permanent basis, it's to good a hill to sit idle.
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Re: Hearings begin on Adirondack Club Resort

Jessica Collier's Day 2 Summary (Excerpt):

"While all the supporters this afternoon expressed unequivocal support, several this evening said they definitely support the project, but they want to make sure it's done responsibly. It's a subtle but significant difference in the ACR conversation. "

Sound like this part is really to help people feel heard.

Full Overview of Day 2:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp