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Re: Helmets

Does your seat belt make you a reckless driver?

Does (should) your avalung/ABS pack make you ski unstable conditions?
(I used to be pretty anti-Avalung/ABS until someone made that analogy to me.)
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Re: Helmets

where's the snow
I wear a helmet because it makes my wife feel better. I miss my hats....
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Re: Helmets

Sick Bird Rider
I have been skiing with a helmet since 2001. After three concussions in my life, from accidents skiing, rock climbing and snowboarding without a helmet, I decided that I cannot afford another head injury. The only time the helmet influences my skiing decisions is when skiing in the trees: knowing I can take the occasional light blow to the head opens up more possibilities. Goggles help too.

I have fond memories of the early days of helmet-wearing at Jay. All the Jay regulars started wearing helmets because it made sense for tree skiing. None of the tourists and weekend warriors wore helmets then. I always wondered what the family of flatlanders in their ski hats thought when they got on the tram and noticed that half the skiers were wearing helmets. Hmmmm, are we missing something? Now, almost everyone wears a helmet.

All that being said, I have to agree with Where's The Snow. I miss my hats. And I have some awesome ski hats. If I lived and skied out west, I would likely lose the helmet.
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