Here's an idea on executive power

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Here's an idea on executive power

If the president can pardon people, why not just give him the power at the end of the term to kick scentence some people too.

Midnight pardons, midnight bootings. This murderers dad is a shit heel. Our country needs to welcome immigrants because that's what America does, but if the president chose too, shouldn't he have the ability to kick people out just once? Call it The Survivor rule.

Hey Mr Shitheel, sorry you hate gays and you were a shitty dad. Please enjoy this one way ticket to afganishistan on our behalf. We hope you are happy there where you fit in better.

- the prez

Obviously it can't happen but.... It would be cool on this one issue / event.

Well, not cool. But it would feel better than blowing up innocent people at least to me.
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Re: Here's an idea on executive power

MC2 5678F589
Just what we need: a way for Presidents to deport all of their political enemies.

Not sure you've thought this policy through, ml
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Re: Here's an idea on executive power

Oh come on, it's obviously too dangerous to be real and just a joke. But it COULD make the country better, addition by subtraction and all.

And seriously, they should look into the dad. If he has a jay-walking ticket unpaid they should see what they could do. Guilty of being a bigot asshole if nothing else.
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Re: Here's an idea on executive power

MC2 5678F589
As I've discovered on this forum, my Twitter feed, and my Facebook feed, that doesn't appear to be uncommon.