Hickory Snowmaking

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Hickory Snowmaking

Banned User
This week's Chronicle newspaper has an article on Hickory Ski Center. They quote board member Ms Cantana as saying Hickory will have snowmaking next season. All permits are in place.

Also, they plan on having work days this summer. Hours worked can be exchanged for lift tickets.

Maybe some snowmaking capabilities will put Hickory over the hump, eh?

Hickory....It's hard !!!
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Re: Hickory Snowmaking

Hickory is real fun. Only been there once. Tried many times ,but the weather never seemed to work out intill this year. Hit it good with 12 to 14" of 3 day old snow on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago. Snow is the be all end all of all ski mountains obviously. Snowmaking though expensive is the way to make money in skiing. Gotta spend it to make it. Once they make a little extra they can maybe get a chair lift ,so I can rest my legs on the way up!
"No Falls=No Bslls
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Re: Hickory Snowmaking

That's good to hear, natrual is blis for sure, but lets face it winters are not getting colder ( yes this year..... a fluke).

This is a good step to keep hickory off the nylsap list for good, all it has going for it, a reliable season could draw pepole form gore or west (now it garentees you get your money out of the passl

Surface lifts? Still a ski lift, I wouldn't care one way or another long as its not a walk up...

Plus it gives hickory the old time blast from he past feeling
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: Hickory Snowmaking

I'll believe it when I see it. The permits have not been the issue for a couple of years now. Nor have easements, etc. But I certainly hope they (meaning Bill Van Pelt) finally go through with the project. Even having coverage up to the top of the T-bar/mid-station of poma 1 will allow them to book bus groups, school programs to have a reliable revenue stream.

A chair lift is far less likely for many reasons. Even should be funding be there, logistically it's difficult to put the unloading zone for a chair where beginners have a way down the mountain. Replacing the T-bar with a chair would just be silly.