Ho, Hum, another 14" of blower at Snow Ridge

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Ho, Hum, another 14" of blower at Snow Ridge

   PDQ, you missed a good one. Just another powder day at Snow Ridge. I wouldn't mind living up here, at least in the early season, what a gem! Left the house at 6, got on the lift at 9:30, skied til 11:30, then had lunch in the bar. Struck up a conversation with an Army medivac helicopter pilot, sounds like an interesting life. He's been over to Afghanistan twice. He said he's had RPG's fly by his copter, wild. He's from Florida, taught himself to ski and board. The food at the bar is much better than that at the cafeteria. I had a cheeseburger, and fries. The fries don't come with burgers, chips, no pepsi.

  I was pretty stiff after lunch, and contemplated leaving early, then I discovered the T-bar was spinning, so I spent the afternoon over there. It was the first time it's ever been running while I was there. I only took a couple pics, which my phone is holding hostage. I think I need a new battery for it. I f'd up, I had my old phone with me. I should have charged it on the way up, and used it as a camera. I'll see if I can retrieve them later.

Snow Ridge, champagne powder, $1 an inch, can't beat it.
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Re: Ho, Hum, another 14" of blower at Snow Ridge

Did they only charge you $15 on a holiday?

Wished I could have gone, but looks like I will be skiing local powder tomorrow.

Went to Greek Peak for a few runs after taking the dogs xc skiing at Kennedy State Forest. Conditions were decent. Will be really good tomorrow. Will you be there Cornhead?
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Re: Ho, Hum, another 14" of blower at Snow Ridge

  Yep, a whopping $15. Had a great day, my toes actually got cold just before lunch, they never do, was it the 10 degree temps, or being submerged in powder all morning? No Greek for me tomorrow, I've gotta work. I am changing my plans for Friday to Platty. Hope they get a foot, I've never been there when they've had that much. After Snow Ridge, the vert will be appreciated. Since I'm passing on a New England trip, I may be at the molehill on the weekend. Maybe I should think about staying in Roxbury for a night and skiing two days at Platty.

  Sorry you couldn't make it, maybe some other time. My days at SR have been by far my best days of the season to date.

Happy New Year!
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Re: Ho, Hum, another 14" of blower at Snow Ridge


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Re: Ho, Hum, another 14" of blower at Snow Ridge

Nice vid Skimore, pretty awesome terrain, and snow, for a 500ft molehill in upstate NY, huh.