Hometown Hills Vote. Warren Miller...

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Hometown Hills Vote. Warren Miller...

Thank you all for allowing me to make this post and humbly ask that you vote for my friend's video Powder Mecca now up in the final round of the Warren Miller Hometown Hills competition.
Unlike the other video it is up against, Powder Mecca was shot by one guy, with NO budget on his own time in the hopes that he would produce something great. To me, he did just that! His video is great and it encompasses what many of us enjoy about skiing, POWDER, NATURE and BEING REAL. Yes, I know it's not NYS or the Northeast but, this dude drops some serious heal (thanks Harvey for the term) and it's an area of the world that seems impossible to get too.
The link to the competition can be found below and sadly yes, its a FACEBOOK app so, it will request information about you, your friends, their friends and your past lives.  Sorry about that. If you have already voted on another previous competition, then you are GOLDEN to vote again as the app is already installed. The link to the video can be found below and if you can vote for his video, we would be greatly appreciative!
Warren Miller Entertainment | Video Contest
I just so happened to be in Joey's hometown literally yesterday and I was lucky to meet with him and his wonderful family. Joey is the real deal and I can only imagine what he can do if he wins this competition.  Please help.
That is me with Joey and his little girl - from 9/16/14.

Thank you all and like you, looking forward to ski season in North America!
The family that skis together, stays together.

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Re: Hometown Hills Vote. Warren Miller...

Something in those brackets doesn't look right ?
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Re: Hometown Hills Vote. Warren Miller...

Like what? Just curious..

The facebook link is https://www.facebook.com/WarrenMillerEntertainment/photos/a.141473773718.109858.68925818718/10152431824548719/?type=1&theater

Which then there is a link from there to the

It's a facebook app that I am not crazy about either. I had my video on the competition too but, sadly lost out after round two. Made it to the final 8 but, missed out by a few votes.  It's very guerrilla marketing.

The family that skis together, stays together.

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Re: Hometown Hills Vote. Warren Miller...

The final bracket in the bottom draw has the same two people as the final. Maybe I'm reading it wrong ?
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Re: Hometown Hills Vote. Warren Miller...

Odd.  It should look like this..

The family that skis together, stays together.
