How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

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How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

Benny Profane
Only if it snows, I presume?
funny like a clown
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Re: How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

They're great, mother nature needs to lend its hand though...
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Re: How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

there's cool stuff that's coming in now if you're feeling up to skiing soon.
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Re: How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

Benny Profane
I'm pretty sure I'm getting that three pass, so, that's why I'm asking. I really doubt I'll be tree skiing this year if I ski at all.
funny like a clown
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Re: How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

Benny Profane
hmmmmm...........another question: How many have actually skied Belleayre?
funny like a clown
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Re: How are the trees, Or, ahem, "glades" at Belleayre

I grew up there, however my presence has gone down. I think I went twice this season. My honest opinion is that they really need to step it up. I was so disappointed to watch their newly cut lift line trail under Tomahawk become overgrown. It makes zero sense. Cut a new trail, put it on the map, then never look at it again (at least the last time I checked).

There is potential for the entire mtn to have amazing trees, if there was maintenance. It also depends on how tight your ability is, because you can certainly find the money, if you can squeeze through. Otherwise they really need to focus on the growing desire of the sport.