Hug-a-Snowmaker Week

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Hug-a-Snowmaker Week

With the current temps well below zero I deem it National Hug-a-Snowmaker weekend

These boyz are out freezing their sacks off  making us some wonderfully dry Man_0_Made POW, POW

I say give them a hug, a smoke, or buy them a beer when you see them
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Re: Hug-a-Snowmaker Week

Let me know when it's "hug a bartender week"
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Re: Hug-a-Snowmaker Week

I'll leave that up to #14
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Re: Hug-a-Snowmaker Week

Complete purchased, hug provided.   

Got freshies nearly every run last night, from 6 until 9:45 pm...  I switched between 3 slopes, left and right aspects of each.   Basically 6 slopes, 45 minutes apart,leaving  lots of time for new snow to accumulate.       With the advent of the newer snow guns that make their own air, we are able to produce snow on nearly every slope, every day 24/7.  Mountain manager said guns won't turn off or slow down until Saturday morning.    Figure, 6-10 inches a day--starting last Sunday.

There were too many skiers/boarders between 2pm and 6 to get anything but cut up.   That said, we got 4-5" of real snow to mix in with the MM.    Not bitching for sure.    Taught several lessons to customers who complain----"this stuff is too hard to ski in....I hate it!"    Hopefully they have a new flavor for skiing  in it after my directed lesson on "variable condtions."     I liken these statements to 12th centry prisoners who never saw the sun and would bitch how bright it was when released.       "I'd rather stay in my dark cell, where I am comfortable"....    

Forgoing the blower noise, love that "quiet ski" feeling.  Being an EC skier, don't think I'll ever get over it.      
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Re: Hug-a-Snowmaker Week

I:)skiing wrote
Complete purchased, hug provided.