Hunter Mtn - Monday - 1/30/12

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Hunter Mtn - Monday - 1/30/12

The ride up to Hunter was typical for a Monday morning - quick and easy. It was sunny, a little windy, and 33 degrees until we climbed up 23A. At that point the temperature dropped into the low 20s, it was more cloudy than sunny and there were windy snow squalls around. Coming out of Tannersville I am always amazed at the beautiful bowls on the mountains that run right into Hunter.

Potential Ski Area?

A little further and Hunter smacks you in the face. It is my favorite part of the ride.

Classic Hunter View

At the base the wind was howling and I wore more layers than needed. I skied all day with the front zipper and the pit zippers on my shell open. Hunter had the guns going and it was good to see snow on Racer's edge.

Racer's Edge

As usual for Hunter midweek there was no lift line all day on any lift.

Kaatskill Flyer 6

Snowmaking above Racer's

The best conditions with mostly man made packed powder were on Hellgate/Broadway/Kennedy, Eisenhower, East Side Drive, Upper K27(eventually scraped) and Way Out. Hellgate turned into a fun bump run during the day. The skiers left of the snow cannons on Broadway (Bleeker St) was awesome all day. The Cliff and Jimmy Huega scraped off early. Clair's was fast and fun but could use a little snow. There was zero snow on Annapurna and Westway (44).

My brother on Jimmie Heuga Express


Crowded Broadway

Most of the day we skied in flat light. It kept things interesting. The skiers left on East Side Drive was packed powder.

East Side Drive

Lower K27 and Upper Crossover were icy moguls with a slight coating of snow. The sun started to pop out more at the end of the day.

Upper Crossover

Hunter remains a top midweek choice for the metro NYC area. They do not skimp on snowmaking and conditions were decent to excellent for a winter with very little natural snow.

Two very happy skiers

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Re: Hunter Mtn - Monday - 1/30/12

Looks like you guys had a great time. Glad to see the hill is in such awesome shape. Thanks!
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Re: Hunter Mtn - Monday - 1/30/12

Sick Bird Rider
It's hard to believe that a hill so close to NYC is that uncrowded on a weekday. Nice report on what was obviously a great day of skiing with your bro.

It must be relief to see even a little natural snow on those mountains in the distance.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Hunter Mtn - Monday - 1/30/12

warp daddy
Well done ! looks like u guys had some DECENT conditions for this yr .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Hunter Mtn - Monday - 1/30/12

Miss my weekday skiing...worked in retail last season so I always skied on weekdays...this year I have to take a vacation or sick day to ski during the week, but its SO worth it!
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen