I Like To Take Photos.

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Re: I Like To Take Photos.

The Otter Slide, Indian Lake, NY.

Had a few friends who ran it today. I was debating on whether to take photos or video this time. Last time, I was running safety as well, so I had to be in a specific shot that I had to make due for the photos.

This time I got a little more creative. This is the shot I got. I was hoping for a long exposure shot of flowing water and to take a second shot at a faster shutter speed and comp in the paddler (still maybe a bit of motion blur?)

Was busy discussing it with our safety crew, and the paddlers snuck up on us.

Was hoping to do this with a long exposure and a flash to freeze the paddler, but that takes WAY too many stars to align.
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Re: I Like To Take Photos.

Still learning my way around here and I just found this thread; absolutely spectacular shots. I hope you keep them coming. I agree with the comment that you should submit these for publication. If not, pick some to make some prints of and find somebody in one of the touristy areas to sell them for you. They seem highly marketable to me.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: I Like To Take Photos.

A few from last night.

Starry Skies

Snowbird by Night

Dancin in the Moonlight
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Re: I Like To Take Photos.

Love the Pix

Great shot of of Superior
"Peace and Love"