Improvement in WF centerplate food service

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Improvement in WF centerplate food service

ausable skier
In the past I always thought that WF's food service lagged behind Gore.  I have to say that this season Centerplate has really stepped up their game at WF.  Everyday there are multiple good specials.  The speed of service in the J Lohr has been improved and the Mexican spot up in the bar is really good.

The micro brew selection in the bar also has been improved which is key to me.

My only complaint is that at mid station it takes too long to get served.  The thing is that they should know that every weekend morning at between 9:30 and 10:30 there will be 100+ nysef and ski school kids plus lots of other regulars.  They should make some food ahead so that it does not take 5-10 mins to get food then.
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Re: Improvement in WF centerplate food service

Jack the Ripper
Agree.  The service at mid has been slow for quite a while now, not just this year.

I think the food in the bistro is better.  Yesterday the special was Sunday brunch...eggs, bacon, sauage, home fries, french toast piled high.  Good eats for sure.
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Re: Improvement in WF centerplate food service

GP punted Centerplate this year. IMO, that decision was one of the better decisions GP management has ever made.
In past years I've heard many complaints about the food at GP, this year I've actually heard "it's not bad" which is a step in the right direction. That, and the managers CP would bring in all seemed like dorks. At least the dorks now are locals