Instagram and Other Social Media

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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

witch hobble wrote
It comes in handy for meme battles with Johnny.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Since this is a social media thread we actually reconnected via FB. We  dated back in 1996. So I guess there is good to be found.
So she waited until you grew up
Nah, she got tired of waiting
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

This may have been mentioned already but I haven’t read all five pages in this thread but I find it strange how much personal shit the younger generations put out there on social media. Maybe I’m off here but it seems a little self absorbed. Shoot, maybe I come off that way to some people too.
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

raisingarizona wrote
This may have been mentioned already but I haven’t read all five pages in this thread but I find it strange how much personal shit the younger generations put out there on social media. Maybe I’m off here but it seems a little self absorbed. Shoot, maybe I come off that way to some people too.
It's not just the "younger generation."  There are probably more adults over 40 or even 50 who put every little detail of their lives on Facebook or other social media than you might imagine.  I have a few FB Friends who do that (not skiers).  Those are the ones I keep off my News Feed, even though I don't even look at that more than a couple times a month.
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

marznc wrote
raisingarizona wrote
This may have been mentioned already but I haven’t read all five pages in this thread but I find it strange how much personal shit the younger generations put out there on social media. Maybe I’m off here but it seems a little self absorbed. Shoot, maybe I come off that way to some people too.
It's not just the "younger generation."  There are probably more adults over 40 or even 50 who put every little detail of their lives on Facebook or other social media than you might imagine.  I have a few FB Friends who do that (not skiers).  Those are the ones I keep off my News Feed, even though I don't even look at that more than a couple times a month.

My friend group is getting close to 60..Some are glued to FB.. I don't have FB or any other social media..This forum is the closed thing to SM..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

In reply to this post by marznc
marznc wrote
raisingarizona wrote
This may have been mentioned already but I haven’t read all five pages in this thread but I find it strange how much personal shit the younger generations put out there on social media. Maybe I’m off here but it seems a little self absorbed. Shoot, maybe I come off that way to some people too.
It's not just the "younger generation."  There are probably more adults over 40 or even 50 who put every little detail of their lives on Facebook or other social media than you might imagine.  I have a few FB Friends who do that (not skiers).  Those are the ones I keep off my News Feed, even though I don't even look at that more than a couple times a month.
Spot on. It's amazing how much people will share, then complain about their privacy being violated by Facebook or Google.

Also, most people don't realize how little information it takes to identify who someone is in real life, and from that where they live, who their friends are, where they work, what they paid for their house, etc. It takes about three pieces of seemingly innocuous information - things that alone seem harmless - and you have enough.

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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

billyymc wrote
marznc wrote
raisingarizona wrote
This may have been mentioned already but I haven’t read all five pages in this thread but I find it strange how much personal shit the younger generations put out there on social media. Maybe I’m off here but it seems a little self absorbed. Shoot, maybe I come off that way to some people too.
It's not just the "younger generation."  There are probably more adults over 40 or even 50 who put every little detail of their lives on Facebook or other social media than you might imagine.  I have a few FB Friends who do that (not skiers).  Those are the ones I keep off my News Feed, even though I don't even look at that more than a couple times a month.
Spot on. It's amazing how much people will share, then complain about their privacy being violated by Facebook or Google.

Also, most people don't realize how little information it takes to identify who someone is in real life, and from that where they live, who their friends are, where they work, what they paid for their house, etc. It takes about three pieces of seemingly innocuous information - things that alone seem harmless - and you have enough.
This may sound weird but I sometimes think that social media is like a restaurant menu for serial killers and pedaphiles.
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Spot on. It's amazing how much people will share, then complain about their privacy being violated by Facebook or Google.

Also, most people don't realize how little information it takes to identify who someone is in real life, and from that where they live, who their friends are, where they work, what they paid for their house, etc. It takes about three pieces of seemingly innocuous information - things that alone seem harmless - and you have enough.

One of the realities I actively taught my daughter long ago is that anything that goes on the Internet is potentially public, even email to a friend.  Mistakes happen and email is easy to forward.  Someone who doesn't pay attention to a CC: list can easily Reply All and end up sending stuff out to far more people than intended.  Happy to say she actually write paper letters to good friends every so often.  Even the ones she texts with during holidays.

Remember reading about people who had posted details about a trip that would leave their house unattended.  Only to return and find that thieves had stopped by.
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Re: Instagram and Other Social Media

I have several friends on FB who regularly post that they are in this country or that, in this airport or that. I just shake my head and say "Your crazy!". These people have posted the towns they live in, pictures of their homes, I'm suprised they don't put up a neon sign that says "Rob me - please". (Neon - does that show my age...)
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.