Jack Ma (Alibaba CEO) buys "Brandon Park"

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Jack Ma (Alibaba CEO) buys "Brandon Park"

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Re: Jack Ma (Alibaba CEO) buys "Brandon Park"

Why didn't he buy a great camp in Tupper, 28K acres with lakes and rivers for $23M - hmmm, a much better deal
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Jack Ma (Alibaba CEO) buys "Brandon Park"

warp daddy
Interesting !! There is a James Ma , another wealthy Chinese multimillionaire who has purchased a shit ton of property here along the St Lawrence River . Ma has purchased an old college which he intends to use as english language immersion school for wealthy Chinese who will ultimately seek elite school admission at the post secondary level . It will affiliate with universities here and in China if it comes ro fruition . He has not yet been able to get this acomplished . the universities cannot act until and unless the State Education Dept accredits the effort . Ma apparently thought he could fast track this but so far 3 yrs have elapsed . Many well to do Chinese migrated to the area

Ma has also purchased e several businesses , several reidential properties , a restaurant and has the intention of setting up a gated community along the st Lawrence for wealthy ex pats from China .

This effort has slowd due to the economic circumstances in China

NOT sure IF these guys are related !
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