I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm with you that it's totally not cool and a real shitty thing to do to someone. It def isn't manslaughter either, imo. Any attorneys on board here that could explain how it could be manslaughter?? I'd love to hear it. I guess I don't feel it's criminal so it shouldn't be punishable by law. If I told you to jump off a bridge and you did it, is that my fault???
There was another story in the news last week that sort of goes along with this one. There's a couple suing a school district because their 6th grade daughter committed suicide do to online bullying. I get that online bullying is a "thing", but how is it the school districts fault?? The parents claim the school district didn't do enough to stop the online bullying and that because of that their daughter took her own life. Could it be the parents didn't do enough to stop the online bullying?? The parents claim they are suing to "honor their daughter".
http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/family-bullied-girl-sue-school-district-suicide-48970425I guess it's human nature to want to always place blame on someone else for any misfortune in our lives, but, to me, these 2 stories are really far fetched in placing blame.
Where do we draw the line of responsibility?