Jay Peak 2/28/12 ( Lots of SOPA )

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Jay Peak 2/28/12 ( Lots of SOPA )

Woke today to sidways blowing snow but it was snowing pretty hard. Suzie Q hurt her leg a little bit yesterday so it was a late start. She wasn't into anything to steep so we searched out some lower angle trees.

Followed some more rabbit tracks and come upon this.

Suzie Q's leg starting to feel better

Yep it's a powderfest!

You really gotta watch out for those small trees!
Everyone had a good laugh at that screwup.  But I'll tell you what it was tough it get up.
I kept sinking deeper.

I think I could have sunk to my waist if i tried hard enough.
They are calling for more snow tomorrow night.   BRING IT ON!

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Re: Jay Peak 2/28/12

Suzy RIPS!  Raymo not so much?  

Looks great.  

How's the waterpark treatin ya?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jay Peak 2/28/12

Not bad. If you have young ones it's a great deversion. Ski a little swim a little I can see it drawing families. The
La Chute slide actually scared the crap out of me. 40ft freefall in a tube, wasn't expecting that. Can you say ALMOST scream like a girl!