Jay Peak Trees PSIA Clinic - 2/6/13

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Jay Peak Trees PSIA Clinic - 2/6/13

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When I signed up for this clinic a month ago the sky was the limit for how good this could be.  Yesterday as I drove past Jay on 242 I figured this would be a groomer clinic instead of a trees clinic.  Then the Jay cloud got ahold of a clipper and dumped an inch an hour.

Jay's snow sport school provided us a couple of supervisors to show us the goods and lift some ropes in the process.  Only once should that rope should have stayed dropped when it was just too thin over branches and stumps.  I took a hard dump onto my elbow in North Glade.  We did not revist that glade but the rest of the day were were in glades alomst every run.  We had some spots with boot top powder and a couple of shots where it billowed over our knees.  It still is super boney but if you commited to just ski it and and not worry about your skis it was a fun day.

Bill Berman from Stratton was our examiner and I really liked his take on using a patient larger radius version of pivot slips to ski the snow condition du jour with less edge and more rotary.  I met some new instructor friends and we skied a ton of vertical and had a great day.

We chose to stay at the Jay Village Inn (JVI to locals here).  For the price this is a nice place.  The food is also outstanding with huge portions, good beers on tap, a varied and well priced wine list, and a very nice vibe.  It was so good we chose to eat here both nights.  Two nights here was less than one night at the new Jay Hotel.

I'll update how Thursday turns out
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Jay Peak Trees PSIA Clinic

Sick Bird Rider
What did I tell you?
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Re: Jay Peak Trees PSIA Clinic

Trust in the Jay cloud.  We had a great time probably in part becasue everyones expectations were so low after the rain.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time