Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

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Re: Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

 Whom ever is running WF's facebook marketing now that Bridget is gone hit a huge home run today.  They did hit us with tons of posts which i said is a no no and the experts agree with but on the other hand seeing all those cool winter shots on the hottest day of the summer was great for me.

I guess the key is the content - good content can withstand over exposure.
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Re: Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

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If it's good then it ain't overexposure?  Obviously I'm down with posting winter pics all summer.

I think takeahike46er should enter:

Friday Fantasy Photo #24.

(click on the pic when you get there.)

BTW - Whiteface Facebook has been handled by Brandee Riley since last winter.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

i was noticing WF on Twitter today, will definitely going to go through the links and see the pics when I get a chance on friday!
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Re: Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

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In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
"Less is more. Facebook suggests that brands start out with one or two posts a week to feel out the platform and see what works. Many brands post once per day, and many find that posting more than once per day can actually have an adverse effect on engagement. Facebook indicates that the averages user “likes” four to six new Pages each month, so your content is constantly fighting for more attention from its fans. It’s better to post one excellent item per day instead of two decent ones."

In the past I've posted maybe 3x/week but this past week I posted something every day, and one day I posted twice.  Seems odd coming from FB. Guess we're spammers now.
My company is pushing for one post per day per page. I think it is too much. It is difficult to keep making great posts every single day. Inevitably, you start reaching and you'll eventually make some hide you from their feed for posting just to post.

But the problem is that if you don't post frequently, FB discounts your posts from other people's feeds. Likes are king but if you can't get likes, you need to post daily until you do. It is screwed up from a logic perspective...

...but not from a money perspective. I don't know if FB has done it yet, but it gives them the opportunity to charge businesses for guaranteed views on select pages. FB has been monetized to the point that I am starting to dislike using it. But I was a reluctant user any ways only joining because everyone I know jumped shipped from the social network I used to use.
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Re: Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

Facebook grades the "importance" of content on a system they call Edgerank.  You see stuff in your feed if:

> It's posted by people you interact with regularly

> A lot of people interact with the content (like it or comment)

> How old it is.  (newer is "better.")

IMO It is screwed up in some important ways, from a user side. I wish there was an option to see content from specific people even if they don't post often, or to give people priority. (River - can't tell if you don't post much or I'm just not seeing it).

Look for MORE monetization coming from facebook. Basically they are making a lot of money in an absolute sense, but it's not a lot when you consider they have a billion users, and that's one of the things that has wall street bearish on the stock.

FB isn't getting any revenue from mobile and that's a problem for them.  Expect to see some ads on your phone in the future.

BTW spoke to Brandee (Whiteface FB admin) and she totally gets it.  A flurry of stuff yesterday on the (IMO fun) solstice promo and now she's "laying low for a while."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jay peaks social marketing run amuck

Harvey44 wrote
BTW spoke to Brandee (Whiteface FB admin) and she totally gets it.  A flurry of stuff yesterday on the (IMO fun) solstice promo and now she's "laying low for a while."
Brandee is good at what she does.  She used to be a instructor at Kids Kampus and has almost done with her PSIA L3 Cert when the marketing bug bit her along with the higher pay.  She is a good skier who understands the on hill side probably better than many in ski area marketing.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time