Killington 11/21/12

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Killington 11/21/12

Made it over to Killington on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. They were reporting a 24" base with 22 trails that ski more like 10 runs. It was 38-40 degrees and sunny all day. Wasn't very crowded- the gondola line was generally about 2-3 cabins long. The longest we waited was for the poma lift (forgive me, I don't know the mountain very well... it's up and to the right from the base of the gondola if you're looking at the mountain) and even that was only about 4-5 minutes. Snow coverage was good pretty much everywhere, though it was a tad bit hard/scratchy in the shade but nothing I would really call ice. Sunny spots softened up nicely. I would venture to say that the conditions on the open trails rivaled what most places had at mid-to-late January last year. I'm still shopping for a camera, so I didn't take any still photos, but I put together this short video from the highlights of my Contour footage from the day. Be sure to set it at 720p for best quality.

By the way, a friendly warning: the 2 for 1 ticket deal is valid until December 16th but you should verify before you drive there that you have a discount code that works. I got screwed over on this and had to pay full price. People all over the mountain were complaining about the same problem. It was a great day but in my humble opinion $59 for 10 runs is pretty unreasonable.
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Re: Killington 11/21/12

Miker why would a discount code be invalid?

Just bad computer juju?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Killington 11/21/12

Was it due to the holiday weekend? Most discounts, deals, coupons, etc. are not valid during holiday periods.
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Re: Killington 11/21/12

The story: the discounts are NOT blacked out. It's an early season discount valid any day until December 16th. You go to their site, sign up for their newsletter, and get a voucher in your email. If you printed one like last week it will work, but if you go to print one right now you will get an error message from your browser and it won't work right. After searching around the site a bit I found another one that worked, printed it out, went to the mountain, and they told me it was from 2010 and it was expired. They said there was nothing they could do to help me and after a bunch of hemming and hawing I paid full price. This happened to a lot of people, not just me. 5 minutes after I paid full price, my friend who was at a computer back home called and said he had found one that would work. I just don't like knowing I paid twice as much as I could have. If you are making a legitimate offer, stand by it or at least make it clear that the period to print new vouchers has ended. I needed to at least know before I got the the ticket window that the firefox error message I received means you can't print new vouchers anymore, even though all of the advertising on their site is clear in saying you can.