Killington, 5/1/13

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Killington, 5/1/13

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This past Sunday was my first time in Killington. It was such a blast, and the forecast was looking good,

so I decided to go back yesterday 5/1 for one last time:

They happened to have the Killington May Day Slalom. Turned out to be  a fun event, I haven't skied gates for over 30 years (not me on the pictures):

The feature presentation was undoubtedly Birdman:

I now call the ski-season over for me (for the third time since Gore Mtn closed).

Spring was in the air:

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Re: Killington, 5/1/13

Thanks for the TR, I was wondering where "Birdman" was Sunday. Nice guy, albeit a kook. Maybe he was at Jay? I skied with him twice last Spring. He skis pretty good for being 6' 8" tall, 280 lbs. I'm heading for Sugarbush this weekend. If I'm not happy Saturday, I may hit Killington on Sunday, I just hope the snow holds up enough during this warm stretch that they don't back out, I've made reservations for Saturday night.
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Re: Killington, 5/1/13

Cornhead wrote
Thanks for the TR, I was wondering where "Birdman" was Sunday. Nice guy, albeit a kook. Maybe he was at Jay? I skied with him twice last Spring. He skis pretty good for being 6' 8" tall, 280 lbs. I'm heading for Sugarbush this weekend. If I'm not happy Saturday, I may hit Killington on Sunday, I just hope the snow holds up enough during this warm stretch that they don't back out, I've made reservations for Saturday night.
Birdman totally stole the show. People were cheering for him (not just during his run in the slalom course) but all day from all over the superstar chairlift when he was sighted ripping it.  Is he popping up every week at different northeast locations or a Killington regular?

Snow will likely hold up well on Superstar for this weekend. The few other optional trails may get very patchy with much more brown than last Sunday. The flip-side of 70-degree weather for a week.