Lift the Hemp Ban

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Lift the Hemp Ban


These guys say anything made of petroleum could be made with hemp. I mean, it's huge even without that. But if that's true it's crazy that we're so worried about people growing a little schwag that this stuff isn't everywhere.

I got chills when i saw the flag they made, that was rad!

And no, I still don't smoke but how can you not love this!
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Re: Lift the Hemp Ban

I'm down.

Interesting how early in the clip this guy realizes he's poor at an early age. He also states he knew he had to do whatever it took to get himself out of his current situation. Much respect for that dude
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Re: Lift the Hemp Ban

It will take a lot of convincing to say this is just not a bunch of pot smoking hippies wanting to legalize marijuana.
It is unlikely to be a family farm saving crop because it will need to be produced cheaply and in mass to be of value. However, if we can produce crops that displace fibers and other products produced from oil - it's a good thing.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Lift the Hemp Ban

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Lift the Hemp Ban

Darkside Shaman
ScottyJack wrote
Gotta go to know
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Re: Lift the Hemp Ban

I think it's just a matter of time. The snow ball is rolling in that direction.

There isn't any reason imo to keep hemp/weed illegal other than the fact that it being illegal is making a lot of people money but that is at the expense of non-violent users.

The only other people that I would imagine actually believe that it's classified correctly as a dangerous narcotic probably have never smoked it.

Beyond this, I'll say that weed is intertwined with skiing culture like chocolate and peanut butter. It's just another thing people do in skiing communities and for a lot of folks or at least the ones I know it doesn't put them in couch potato mode that the stereotype likes to pinhole people as being, it's actually really agreeable with activity. I guess for some people that are maybe on the fringe with stability I think it can be a problem but even if so I think we should have the freedom to decide for ourselves.