Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

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Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

Like a little kid I keep going to the window to see if the snow has started yet......

Unless we end up with rain I'm heading over to Gore tomorrow to try and get some first tracks in (maybe a mini powder day?).  Then Friday I'm heading up to Whiteface where I'm volunteering for the FIS Men's Eastern Cup races (a new experience for me) and a few quick runs.  And then if I can squeeze a little more gas money out of my honey I'm going to head back to Whiteface on Saturday and hopefully will get to demo some AT gear.

Hoping for a great three days!!!
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Re: Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

Okay, day 1 was great!!!  Powder day at Gore with falling snow and empty trails.  Once I adjusted to the powder and got in a groove I had a lot of fun.  Legs are burning a bit but it was worth it.  Called it a day after 4 hrs because I'm hitting Whiteface tomorrow and I wanted to have something left.
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Re: Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

Jack the Ripper
Snowhunter wrote
Okay, day 1 was great!!!  Powder day at Gore with falling snow and empty trails.  Once I adjusted to the powder and got in a groove I had a lot of fun.  Legs are burning a bit but it was worth it.  Called it a day after 4 hrs because I'm hitting Whiteface tomorrow and I wanted to have something left.
Pls let a bro know how da face is. Heading up for the weekend.
A bad day of skiing is better than a good day of working
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Re: Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

@ Jack - WF, the beast of the east, the greatest Mtn skiing east of da mighty Mississippi and quite frankly a good portion west of said river, is in awesome shape!!!  Get ready for Big Mac!!  

bring some skins for Sat morning as the next round of 6+ may exit w/ some authentic ADK wind.....

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

Snowhunter, Better bring all the warm gear you have for WF on Sat. Highs around 0 and if there is wind it will shut the Gondi down which is always your best friend on those fridgid days. Sharpen the edges too.
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Re: Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

Well day 2 of my 2-3 days is in the books.  It was an interesting day.  Icy roads on the drive up, rain in the morning, snow by 11, heavy snow and high winds by 12.  The temp dropped from around 32 to down into the low twenties and I was starting to feel it by 2.  They never opened the summit and the Gondola shut down sometime before 1:30.  Still the runs I made were very good to great.  The snow was FAST today!  Visibility was horrible in the morning and not much better at lunch time.  Early afternoon was a little better.

My day was a mix of 3 different sessions of skiing surrounding the time I spent volunteering for the races.  It was an interesting experience and I met some really nice people.  I felt bad for the racers as conditions on the course were very tough and there were a lot of DNFs.

It was a fun day and they were getting hit with a lot of snow when I left.

Unfortunately day 3 is not going to happen.  The weather tomorrow makes it hard for me to justify the trip.  It was a fun idea but I'll save the trip for another time.  Two out of three ain't bad!
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Re: Looking forward to the next 2-3 days!!!

great. just great. powpow face shots.