Lost Ski Areas of the Northern Adks now available!

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Lost Ski Areas of the Northern Adks now available!

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Hi everybody!

Very excited to announce that my new book, Lost Ski Areas of the Northern Adirondacks, is now available! I'm very happy with the way it turned out and I know that you'll enjoy it too.

More information on ordering can be found by by visiting this link.. Signed copies can be sent anywhere.

The book is over 190 pages long, 75 + photos/maps, directions, 47 lost areas, 3 proposed, 2 restored.

If you've ever wanted to know the full story of areas like Paleface, Marble Mountain, Scott's Cobble, Kobl Mountain, Lowenberg, and many more, than you really have to check out the book! Directions for exploration, if possible, are included.


Cover Image
Jeremy Davis Founder, New England / NorthEast Lost Ski Areas Project www.nelsap.org