MRG oh no its raining so its closed Sugarbush 4/13/14

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MRG oh no its raining so its closed Sugarbush 4/13/14

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I was very excited to once again ski MRG's closing day, which was supposed to be yesterday.  Having gone to bed Saturday Evening to a nice almost full moon, I was really bummed when I woke up to heavy rain Sunday AM.  I checked the weather, looked like a line of squalls moving East rapidly, so I puttered around the house and when the sun came out at 11 I was throwing my ski bag into the car.  As we pulled out for the 1.5 hour ride to MRG from our camp, I checked their web site....closed!  I was not happy as we drove over the App Gap, with Mad money and 2 remaining lift tickets on my Mad Card.  Stopped at the curve just to make sure the single wasn't spinning, nope.  Just a sad teen with his skis "I skied down from my house, waiting for a ride."  Lots of people milling around (OK about 20 cars) and no rain, temp 60 and overcast.  We rode on to Sugarbush, where the lift are open until 5 (MRG and Gore take note) and had a ball.  The sun came out at about 2 PM.  We found some of the best corn and bumps of the year under the Heaven's Gate lift.  We checked out Paradise (who came up with this name first?) and the snow in the trees was not so good, very sticky and this made it difficult for my 10 year old.  Finished up at about 5, about 10,000 vertical (all bumps so a a good work out.)  Then on the way back to NY, stopped at the curve at MRG, even more cars now.  "Is the bar open?"  Why "yes it is!"  The funny thing is the bar at Sugarbush was empty, the bar at MRG was hopping!  So I was able to enjoy a Lawson after all.  I think that whoever made the call to not open MRG Sunday made a big mistake.  I would recommend the Bobcat Cafe in Bristol for a nice dinner on the way back to NY, they brew the beer right in back.  
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Re: MRG oh no its raining so its closed Sugarbush 4/13

I always used to stop in Bristol on the way back from MRV. A hip town in the middle of nowhere.
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Re: MRG oh no its raining so its closed Sugarbush 4/13

The Bobcat is almost a mandatory trip if you're approaching MRG from the app gap. Onecaveat - they don't serve lunch!