Magical first day: Titus 2014

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Magical first day: Titus 2014

warp daddy
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Ok , so we decided THIS was the day to go pick up our season passes at Titus since the entire mtn was open , Our plan was to get the photos taken for the passes then just take a very leisurely few runs to get the legs and mechanics ready.

Well at 71 i always have the best of intentions now, just cruise take it easy .
But something happens and i cnnot control the inner beast that wants to just turn em south and let em run .

The upper Mtn was like a fairyland. , it was skiing thru a snow fog backlit by sun , the trees were encrusted in a chrystalline hoar frost and the scene was like skiing in a cathedral .......absolutely magical !! Quiet. , peaceful serene all those descriptive adjectives that you all have experienced at some point on some mtn .

The snow was hero snow and deep , so my buddy and i skied all  3 venues and gotin 20 runs , a farcry from our intention , but with many trails freshened overnite with additional goodness it was too damn much to resist laying down tracks in some areas that were not crowded at all. all day long ski on skiing , no lift lines .........simply a great way to start the season

thanks Titus for a great day !!! B back with my entire posse this week and my entire family kids and grandkids when they areive for Christmas week skiing
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Magical first day

God, please give me health to be skiing at Warp Daddy's age.  

Great trip report.  Pictures next time please.  :)

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Re: Magical first day

Banned User
BigK75 wrote
 God, please give me health to be skiing at Warp Daddy's age.  
Ditto. Sounds like you ripped it, Warp !
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Re: Magical first day

warp daddy
Yeah we let em run and thanks for the kind words ..... just stay in shape and you'll be skiing at 71

It isnt that difficult , if you stay aerobically fit .Attitude and exercise is magic if you make the effort
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.