Middlebury Snow Bowl - 1.21.12

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Middlebury Snow Bowl - 1.21.12

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After skiing 4-6" on a weekday at the bush, I knew that I'd set the bar pretty high for the weekend.

Fortunately, a couple more inches of fresh hit us and it snowed all day. MSB is a gem, you ski to the lift every time and there are tons of little stashes. The whole mountain has an open woods policy, and the almost all natural surface makes for the softest turns. And the $20 tickets from the fall didn't hurt!

views are second to none

oh, fresh snow:

tele air:
tele air.

sense of scale:

lots of racers, park rats, and racer rats!

Do you like White Birches? Me too!

Some ropes dropped and we found out last:

Other times we went walking so it wouldn't matter:

under the chair, better than under the bridge.

BC is open, gentleman start your engines!

The GF skis her first expert trail, intentionally.

I have so many more.... It was a great day.

A quick plug for my friends at Worth Skis. They are in production currently for a new fleet of sticks made for the East Coast skier looking for something different. Very BC and pow oriented, but able to hold an edge on more variable conditions that we get here. The biggest ski tops out at a girthy 118, the smallest at 98.

Amy tried the girls skis, a 106mm beast called the Marcy. At 5cm LONGER than what she is currently on, and 50 percent wider, she cruised down terrain with way more confidence than I've ever seen. The downside is she expects me to buy her new skis, when I just bought her new skis. ARGH!!!!

Anyway, I can't say enough about these guys and hope to bring their products to a demo site in March so NY'ers can give them a whirl.

Best thing about them? Not a scratch after skiing all natural snow on a low year. WOO HOOO

Ok, maybe the best thing was seeing the GF ski an expert trail and rip pow with confidence. It's a toss up!
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Re: Middlebury Snow Bowl 1.21.12

Beauty pics.  I especially dig AIR TELE:

ml242 wrote
tele air.
Best investment you will every make in gear is for your girl. MAN UP and lay down the coin.  No greater blessing in life than a pow addicted GF/wife.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Middlebury Snow Bowl 1.21.12

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Here's a vid...

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Re: Middlebury Snow Bowl 1.21.12

ausable skier
I've driven by this and always wanted to ski there

will have to try it one day
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