If you've got little kids or just want to hang out on a nice, free beach, with a lifeguard, I'd recommend it. The afternoon didn't turn out to be the hot sunny day we'd imagined, but we decided to go for it anyway. We figured with the playgrounds, sand and scenery, even if the kids didn't make it in the water, it would be fun.
It was a chance for Zelda, Neve and I to connect with Jeff, Beth, Daniel and Sylvie.
Plus we the pleasure of finally meeting I:)skiing.
One of two playgrounds as promised:

The beach...

The island for interest...

Sailboats and canoes for rent...

A hiking (running, jumping!) path around the lake...

Direx from North Creek... North on 28N toward Minerva.
Past the Minerva firehouse, then on the right turn at Town Shed Road.
Town Shed turns into Long Hill Road. In a few yards, left on Beach Road.
Thanks MattyR!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp