Mohonk Preserve/Mohonk Mt House, 2/10/2013

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Mohonk Preserve/Mohonk Mt House, 2/10/2013

Peter Minde
Today (10 February 2013) I skied at Mohonk.  The light, dry snow from Friday's storm compacted down to approximately a 3" base.

Classic technique would have been the better choice today, but I chose to skate.  While my poles punched down to carriage road gravel, the actual skating was rather soft and unconsolidated.  The windblown snow drifted deep in some spots and was shallow elsewhere.  The grooming crew made multiple trips over most trails, but when you're grooming by snowmobile, you can't apply as much pressure as with a Pisten Bully.

I skied from the gatehouse to Skytop and back.  The I spent a few hours on the Bonticou side.  In a couple of places the classic track had grass or gravel, but overall, it was  fine to bring out good skis.  Long odds that they'll retain much of this with the coming warm weather.

Skier going up Guyot's Hill