Mount Snow Sunday Dec. 23

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Mount Snow Sunday Dec. 23

It was a very snowy day. I was going to ski all day but the night before I could not sleep. So I skied from 12pm to 4p, Not to crowed for a weekend nice packed powder conditions all over. North Face was a little icy for me so I mainly stayed on the main cruising trails which were very nice. I live a few hours a way so drive home needed several coffee breaks. 1 day out for me this winter, hopefully lots more fun days a head.
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Re: Mount Snow Sunday Dec. 23

Thanks for the TR, Mount Snow is one place I've never skied. I've driven by it a few times. I have visions of skiing in the rain and riding the new bubble six pack, that'd be cool. Not that I want it to rain while skiing. I don't mind skiing in the rain, but riding lifts in the rain sucks. A "safety meeting" or two under the bubble in the rain would be cool too.
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Re: Mount Snow Sunday Dec. 23

Mr corn safety meeting in the bubble would be awesome. For 150$ their price chopper book that gives you 3 big tickets to several Mountains including Mountsnow good Sunday.- Friday, not Saturday or holidays. Bubble is cool and the chair is like sitting on a couch. Good expert runs on the North face, not as steep as Hunter West but more trails I can ski. I love how big the 1600 vertical is compared with the small Catskills.