Mount van Hoevenberg, 21 - 22 January

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Mount van Hoevenberg, 21 - 22 January

Peter Minde
I just returned from a solo trip to Mt van Hoevenberg, where I skied over the weekend.  I'd call it good early season conditions.  While there were exposed rocks here and there, it was OK for bringing out race skis.  There was about 2" of packed powder over an icy base.  An inch of cold, dry snow freshened up the trails on Saturday but made for slow going.  Much faster conditions on Sunday.

On Saturday, only the cross country side of the trail system was open.  On Sunday, they opened the entire trail system.  I think the skiing was better on the cross country side.  I am doubtful that the base will withstand a heavy rain, if they receive rain on Monday.
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Re: Mount van Hoevenberg, 21 - 22 January

Adk Jeff
Nice Peter! I got out for an hour+ this afternoon on my nordic skis for the first time this winter.  Have you considered going over to Lapland Lk?  Sounds like they may have the best xc conditions in the adks.  My wife & I would love to get to LL, GHL or Van Ho, but it's pretty much a full-day commitment that's hard to pull off with the kids, so we make do with the lcoal stuff which can be pretty fun too.
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Re: Mount van Hoevenberg, 21 - 22 January

Peter Minde
Jeff, I'd intended to race at Mt van Ho on Saturday, but their races were cancelled and I went anyway.

I haven't been to Lapland Lake in probably 10 years.  It's just a little too far to go for a day trip, and we found weekends were a bit of a challenge.  Finding a place to stay etc.  Prospect Mt in VT is 40 miles closer for us, and that is a full day commitment itself.  When Lapland is in good shape, it's definitely great skiing.