Mountain Websites

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Mountain Websites

This will probably come across as negative nit picking but I'm hoping that someone involved sees this and acts on it.

I just stopped by the Gore page to see if there were any notes regarding opening.  The home page comes up and starts flashing "news" pages.  I could barely register the picture and first few words before it would advance to the next "headline".  Do the people that manage these pages ever even view them?  Have they tried using their websites?  I visit these sites as a customer, as someone looking to visit the mountains and spend my money.  I don't need some flashy slideshow that is useless because it is unreadable.

Give me a website with the info I need readily accessible.  Not that hard really.  Oh and a webcam or two might be nice! ;-)

Rant over.

I just wanna ski!!!  :-)
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Re: Mountain Websites

Gore improved its web site before last season. It used to totally suck. Now it still totally sucks, but its suckitude is much flashier. I guess that's progress. Don't get your hopes up about someone in charge doing something about it.

I agree that finding any useful information there is frustrating. Gore puts a tiny bit more information on their facebook page. You're better off checking this forum than Gore's web site.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Mountain Websites

I just go on these sites to get info and get stoked.  I can't wait for the season to get going.
I go on the site and it feels like some MTV/Youtube thing.  The kids watching that stuff, looking for that kind of flash are not the ones spending any real money at the mountains.
Like I said, I wonder if anyone running these things ever tries to actually use them.

Flashy/useless site or not, I can't wait to hit the slopes and I hope that Gore is my first stop (it's very close).

I'm 25 miles away and it's already 32° tonight.  Let the freeze begin!!!!
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Re: Mountain Websites

It truly blows my mind how terrible Gore's website is and has been, Sponge is correct that it has been improved recently, but it has a long way to go just to hit market parity. I would even go for a less flashy website with better infromation, like Mad River Glen's website, simple and to the point with frequent updates and actually believable snow reports. Oh and Mad River actually has TWO web cams!!

To Gore: Either have someone wake up earlier and give us a darn good snow report on a regular basis and/or get a freaking web cam, it is bat shit crazy that we have to look in a forum for reliable snow reports.
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Re: Mountain Websites

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Gore---the DMV (MVA) of ski areas.

Shut up, we will tell you what you want and we will define what good customer service is.  

I wonder if any of Gore's PT employees are FT DMV workers?   Or, could they be retired DMV?   Spouses?  

I used to be passionate on some of the ideas, however there appears to be a bottomless suggestion box, that or someone lost the key.    I think the analogy of a pellet stove works.    Ideas fall down the auger shoot only to immediately transform into heat and internet dust.   The bible speaks of fools sewing seed on bedrock and hoping to reap.    
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Re: Mountain Websites

Hahaha that is fantastic and so true: "Gore---the DMV (MVA) of ski areas."
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Re: Mountain Websites

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I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Mountain Websites

snoloco wrote
Mountain Creek sucks a$$.
you complain alot about every thing ,going to be a miserable old fart
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